CYM (High School)

The High School Catholic Youth Ministry (CYM) meets every Wednesday from 8:00 to 9:30 p.m. in Assisi Hall. Teens encounter Christ through the Eucharist in our monthly Holy Hour and Benediction, through various guest speakers who are on fire for their Catholic faith, and through fellowship with one another in sports and games. SFA high school youth also have the opportunity to attend various retreats and conferences throughout the year, such as the Diocesan Catholic Youth Conference (DCYC), Prayer and Action, March for Life, Teens Encounter Christ (TEC), LEAD, Steubenville Conferences and Totus Tuus retreats.


JCYM (Middle School)

Junior Catholic Youth Ministry (JCYM) is for the 6th, 7th, 8th graders of the parish. Our time together typically includes time for community building, a life lesson and prayer. Check the parish Google calendar on the homepage for the JCYM schedule.


Forms & Documents

Youth & Young Adults Director

Emily Savage
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